SIMPLIFY YOUR FINANCES, Take control of your business.
We specialize in
Business Management.
Business Strategy.
Business Compliance.
Family Tax Planning
Salon owners & hairstylists, nail technicians, makeup artists, estheticians.
Gym owners and personal trainers.
Barbershop Owners & Barbers
Adult entertainers & Dancers
bookkeeping & Taxes?
three, easy steps:
1. Meet online to asess your needs and sircumstances, walk away with an answer and price!
Do you report using cash accounting or accruing accounting? Not an issue we can continue your prefer method or study if you can benefit form changing methods.
Have you registered your LLC and don’t know how to report annually to keep good standing with the government?
Or maybe you want to register your LLC! Let’s determine your needs based of your goals.
2. I classify your expenses, you only review them!
Receive your classified expenses for review within only three days of the start of your subscription!
3. I maintian your books now, you focus on your business with confidence!
Run your business with confidence.
Service level agreement reporting straight to you.
We keep your business compliant.
“Rafael Caught my books just in time to start paying taxes quaterly, and when it was time to pay the IRS, he guided me ”
Yes I can!
You will! Every month receive financial statements like and for some of you receive tailored tax advice!
Of Course we do! My goal is to help everyone in the beauty industry.
Yes let’s do it!